Teacher's Corner

Just for Kids!

Gold Rush Adventure Game

You be the Judge...
Note-Taking Guide

(1)Print out the notetaking guide (below) to help you keep track of the many versions of the "Ned McGowan War" you are about to read. Make as many copies as you need.

(2)After each reading, use a copy of the note-taking guide to keep track of what you just read.

(3)Once you have read the readings, compare the stories and see who was telling the entire story. Or see if you can piece together the 'real story' yourself.

Note-Taking Guide
Title of Piece and date written:

Who is telling this version? (name)

How is this person involved? (name and relationship to event)

Which is the style of the reading?: (Check)
___ journalistic
___ letter
___ diary/autobiography
___ OTHER_________________
Is this piece a
___ primary source
___ secondary source
___ OTHER________________
General Notes: (i.e. events in point form)

go back to reading list

Last updated 31 August 1998.
This digital collection was produced under contract to the SchoolNet DigitalCollections Program, Industry Canada.
Produced by Schoolnet Digital Collections Team.