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Primary sources:

Iredale, Jennifer, The Original Route of the Cariboo Wagon Road Historic Sites Research, 1976.

Wood, Clarence T.Historic Sites Inventory, 1975 Department of Recreation and Conservation Branch.

Secondary sources:

Cariboo Gold Rush Heritage House Publishing Company, 1987.

Downs, A., Wagon Road North: Historic Photos of the Cariboo Gold Rush, Quesnel, B.C., Northwest Digest, 1960.

Gillet, R., British Columbia, Historic Hat Creek House, 1978.

Hill, B., Sappers The Royal Engineers in British Columbia, Horsdal and Schubart Publishers Ltd., 1987.

Patenaude, B., Trials to Gold, Victoria, B.C.:Horsdal and Schubart Publishers Ltd., 1995.

Waite, D., The Cariboo Gold Rush Story, Hancock House Publishers Ltd., 1944.

Last updated November 30, 1998.
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